Prayer and Not Care – It’s Your Choice: How to Keep from Losing Your Mind

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Philippians 4:4-9
10 Keys  of Spiritual Maturity
1) Hear from God and step out by faith to obey what God says
2) Trust in God when things go wrong
3) Yield your will in submission and obedience with humbleness and meekness
4) Endure hardness as a good soldier
5) Forgive and get over the offence
6) Give, you establish you living by your giving
7) Teach what you’ve been taught
8) Keep your focus on your purpose
9) KYMS, keep your mouth shut
10) Let go, to go on
Acts 16:16-24
1 Peter 5:7
Isaiah 26:3
Matthew 6:24-26
John 14:26-31